How to get unlimited likes for your posts in your facebook

Get unlimited likes for your facebook photos and posts .Download DJ liker app in your android smartphone or logon to: . By using simple steps we will get unlimited likes in facebook photos.


Enable Followers?
First of all make sure your Facebook account is age is 18+ and change Who Can Follow Me to EVERYBODY from Follower setting
Post Privacy?
Make Sure your Status and Photos are Public.
Access Token?
Go to access token page and generate access token. Click on first button to allow HTC app and then click on second button to get access token.

Copy the access token URL and paste it on login box, now you are log in. Choose the service which one you want like if you want likes then go to Facebook auto liker and if you want comments then go to auto commenter.

Likes and Comments?
Now you can get likes or comments on your Facebook status, photos or videos. Just click on submit button and get instant likes or comments on your public status and photos.


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